Sit on top kayak. Seats one adult (age 12+)
1 Hour 25
2 Hour 35
4 Hour 45
8 Hour 60
Two Days 85
Three Days 110
Four Days 130
Five Days 150
Six Days 165
Weekly 175
*Prices shown do not include tax*
Rentals include all necessary safety equipment (life jackets, sound device)
Delivery to your site. cabin, or villa within Lake Raystown Resort and surrounding areas available.
Sit on top kayak. Seats two adults and one small child.
1 Hour 35
2 Hours 45
4 Hours 60
8 Hours 75
Two Days 100
Three Days 125
Four Days 145
Five Days 165
Six Days 180
Weekly 190
*Prices shown do not include tax*
Rentals include all necessary safety equipment (life jackets, sound device)
Delivery to your site. cabin, or villa within Lake Raystown Resort and surrounding area available.